Functions of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-2
Device Monitor Function The new device monitor function can be used to change the PLC’s operating
mode or display/change values in the PLC’s memory areas. The present val-
ues (PVs) of several words can be listed with the device monitor.
Interlock Function PT operations and inputs can be disabled from the PLC if interlock bits have
been allocated in the PLC for the corresponding PT touch switches, numeric
inputs, or string inputs.
Improved Lamp/Touch
Switch Labels
The following displays can be performed with lamp or touch switch labels:
• Display several lines of labels.
• Switch the display between different labels when OFF and ON.
• Display the numeral memory table contents as labels.
• Display the string memory table contents as labels.
NT30/NT30C and NT620S/
The word configuration of the PT status control area and PT status notify area
can be set to emulate those of the NT30/NT30C or NT620S/NT620C/
NT625C; this mode is called NT30/620 compatible mode.
When the PT is operating in NT30/620 compatible mode, it will be equivalent
to an NT30/NT30C or NT620S/NT620C/NT625C in the functions listed below.
The PT retains full V2 functionality in all functions other than the ones listed
below. Refer to Appendix C in the NT31/NT31C/NT631/NT631C Programma-
ble Terminal Reference Manual for more details.
• Word configuration and functions of the PT status control area and PT
status notify area
• Image/library codes
• Insertion of image/library data into character strings
Additional CS/CJ-series
Data Areas Accessible
Data areas in CS/CJ-series PLCs that were previously inaccessible can be
accessed. The data areas listed below can be accessed (read/written).
All banks in the EM area, timer completion flags (TU), counter completion
flags (CU), Work areas (WR), Task flags (TK), and the HR area.
Recipe Function You can set the data (numeric values) for multiple words in record units using
the tabular elements on the PT screen, and write these settings in a single
operation to words on the host (i.e., PLC or PT memory) using a touch switch
operation on the PT Unit. Also, multiple words of numeric data can be read
from the host in one operation. In this way, groups of parameter settings can
be edited at the PT Unit, and written to or read from the host.
Adjusting Contrast and
Brightness During PT
You can display the brightness and contrast adjustment screen using either
the touch switch or commands from the host, even while the PT is in opera-