Memory Initialization Section 6-4
If No is selected, the NT631/NT631C returns to the MEMORY INIT. MENU
screen without clearing the screen data.
On completion of screen data clearance, the NT631/NT631C returns to the
After the screen data has been cleared, if an attempt is made to set the
NT631/NT631C to the RUN mode before screen data has been transmitted
from the Support Tool or Memory Unit, an error message will be displayed and
the RUN mode will not be established.
6-4-2 Initializing Display History Record Data
The display history record function keeps a record of the order of display of
the screens displayed during operation, and the number of times each screen
is displayed. These records are kept only for screens for which the History
attribute has been set.
The maximum number of records is 1024 for sort by occurrence (order of dis-
play occurrence) and 255 for sort by frequency (order of the number of times
each screen has been displayed).
Use the display history record initialization function to clear the history record
data to 0, for example when the screen data has been changed, etc. Also, if
Alarm (Use Ring Buffer) under History Setting of System in PT Configuration
(Tools) has not been checked, no more records will be stored after the maxi-
mum number of records has been kept, and therefore the records must be
periodically initialized. If Alarm (Use Ring Buffer) is checked, when the maxi-
mum number of records is reached the oldest record is deleted and the new-
est data is recorded.
Reference: The NT631/NT631C also allows the display history record data to be
initialized by controlling the PT status control area from the host. For details,
refer to 2-2-1 PT Status Control Area in the Reference Manual.