Memory Initialization Section 6-4
Initialize the display history record data by following the menu operation from
the System Menu shown below.
If No is selected, the NT631/NT631C returns to the MEMORY INIT. MENU
screen without initializing the display history record data.
On completion of display history record data initialization, the message Fin-
ished is displayed and the NT631/NT631C returns to the MEMORY INIT.
MENU screen.
6-4-3 Initializing Alarm History Record Data
The alarm history record function continually checks the status of host bits
that have been designated in advance with a bit memory table, and records
the time when any of the bits is set to 1 (comes ON), and the number of times
that each bit comes ON.
Select Maintenance Mode.
Select Memory Init..
Select Display History.
Select Yes.
Ver 4.12
The display history record data is
initialized. During initialization, the message
Initializing is displayed.