
Voice Interrupt on Busy Talk-Back (F18)
To respond to a voice interrupt on busy call (you hear two beeps and the
originator’s voice—be aware that the third party to whom you are speaking
probably also will hear the two beeps and the faint sound of the originator’s voice):
1. Ask the party with whom you are speaking to hold, but
do not
put the call
on hold.
2. Press the Voice Interrupt on Busy Talk-Back button.
The green light next to the Voice Interrupt on Busy Talk-Back button turns
on. Voice Interrupt on Busy Talk-Back is activated.
3. Respond to the originator of the voice interrupt on busy call.
The third party with whom you were originally speaking does not hear your
response, but you can hear that third party.
4. Press the Voice Interrupt on Busy Talk-Back button again (whether or not
the originator has hung up) to resume the conversation with the third party.
The green light next to the Voice Interrupt on Busy Talk-Back button turns
off. Voice Interrupt on Busy Talk-Back is deactivated. The originator hears
two beeps if he or she did not hang up previously.