Deleting A Snapshot Group
CAUTION: All of the data in the snapshot group is lost as soon as you run this command.
This command deletes an entire snapshot group and, if specified, the associated repository virtual disks.
delete snapGroup ["snapGroupName"] deleteRepositoryMembers=TRUE;
In the example, the repository virtual disks were preserved . By default, all member virtual disks in the
repository virtual disk are retained as unused, unmapped standard virtual disks. Setting the
deleteRepositoryMembers parameter to FALSE will delete the repository disks.
Reviving A Snapshot Group
If a snapshot group is not in a Failed state, it can be forced into an Optimal state. Running this command
on a Failed snapshot will return an error message and the command will not complete.
revive snapGroup ["snapGroupName"];
where snapGroupName is the name of the snapshot group you want to force into an Optimal state.
Creating A Consistency Group
A consistency group contains simultaneous snapshots of multiple virtual disks to ensure consistent
copies of a group of virtual disks. When you add a virtual disk to a consistency group, the system
automatically creates a new snapshot group that corresponds to this member virtual disk.
The following command creates a new, empty consistency group. You must add the snapshot groups
using the set consistencyGroup addCGMember command.
create consistencyGroup userLabel="consistencyGroupName"
[repositoryFullPolicy=(failBaseWrites | purgeSnapImages) |
repositoryFullLimit=percentValue | autoDeleteLimit=numberOfSnapImages |
enableSchedule=(TRUE | FALSE) | schedule (immediate | snapSchedule) |
rollbackPriority=(lowest | low | medium | high | highest)]
where userLabel is the name of the new consistency group you want to create.
repositoryFullPolicy controls how you want snapshot processing to continue if the snapshot
repository virtual disks are full. You can choose to fail writes to the base virtual disk (
failBaseWrites) or
delete the snapshot images (purgeSnapImages). The default action is to delete the snapshot images.
The repositoryFullLimit parameter controls the percentage of repository capacity at which you
receive a warning that the snapshot repository virtual disk is nearing full. Use integer values.
autoDeleteLimit configures the automatic deletion thresholds of snapshot images to keep the total
number of snapshot images in the snapshot group at or below a designated level. When this option is
enabled, then any time a new snapshot image is created in the snapshot group, the system automatically
deletes the oldest snapshot image in the group to comply with the limit value. This action frees repository
capacity so it can be used to satisfy ongoing copy-on-write requirements for the remaining snapshot
For other values, see Create Consistency Group.