Parameter Description
writes to the snapshot virtual disk
(failSnapShot). The default value is
NOTE: If repositoryFullPolicy is not
specified, the previously set value is used.
Additional Information
NOTE: You can use any combination of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores for the
names. Command names can have a maximum of 30 characters. If you exceed the maximum
character limit, replace square brackets ([ ]) with angle brackets (< >) to overcome this limitation.
You can recreate a single snapshot virtual disk or multiple snapshot virtual disks with optional parameters:
• If you specify one or more of the optional parameters, the re-create operation processes each
snapshot virtual disk separately.
• If you try to use the same user label for more than one virtual disk, the command fails.
• If you do not set the warningThresholdPercent parameter or the repositoryFullPolicy
parameter, values that you previously set are used.
You can recreate multiple snapshot legacy virtual disks without optional parameters:
• If you list multiple snapshot legacy virtual disks to be re-created but do not specify any of the optional
parameters, the re-create operation processes the snapshot virtual disks as a batch process.
• Validation checks for the necessary snapshot-restarted preconditions are performed before restarting
any snapshot. If any of the listed snapshot virtual disks fail the validation, the entire command fails and
the snapshot virtual disks are not re-created. If the validation is successful for all of the snapshot
virtual disks in the list, but one or more of the snapshots in the list fails to restart, the entire command
fails and none of the snapshots are re-created.
• During snapshot re-creation, all affected virtual disks (snapshots, base, and repository) are
appropriately quiesced and I/O operations are resumed to all affected virtual disks after all snapshots
have been successfully re-created.
NOTE: If the warningThresholdPercent parameter or the repositoryFullPolicy parameter
is not specified, the previously set values are used. If you use the optional parameters, the re-create
snapshot processes each snapshot virtual disk separately. If the same userLabel (name) is specified
for more than one virtual disk, the command fails. If no optional parameters are specified, the re-
create Snapshot processes the specified snapshot virtual disks as a batch, provided a validation
check of all of the virtual disks runs successfully. If successful, the snapshots start the re-creation
process and all of the affected virtual disks (snapshot, source, and repository) are quiesced until the
process is complete.
NOTE: If no optional parameters are specified, the recreate snapshot command processes the
specified snapshot legacy virtual disks as a batch, provided a validation check of all of the virtual
disks runs successfully. If successful, the snapshots start the re-creation process and all of the
affected virtual disks (snapshot, source, and repository) are quiesced until the process is complete.
NOTE: The Microsoft Virtual Shadow Copy Service (VSS) provider allows the recreation of multiple
snapshots simultaneously.