Start Secure Physical Disk Erase
This command erases all of the data from one or more self-encrypting disk (SED) physical disks so that
they can be reused as SED physical disks. Run this command only when the SED physical disks are no
longer part of a secure disk group, or when the security key is unknown.
NOTE: When performing a secure erase operation on all physical disks in an array that contains only
SED physical disk type, the physical disks must be erased in two groups using the start
secureErase physicalDisks[] command. For example, if there are seven (7) SED physical
disks, the secure erase can be performed by executing:
start secureErase physicalDisks [0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3];
start secureErase physicalDisks [0,4 0,5 0,6];
start secureErase (physicalDisk [enclosureID,slotID] |
physicalDisks [enclosureID1,slotID1 enclosureID2, slotID2...
Parameter Description
physicalDisk or physicalDisks
Identifies the enclosure and slot where the physical
disk resides. Enclosure ID values are 0 to 99. Slot
ID values are 0 to 31. You must put brackets ([ ])
around the enclosure ID value and slot ID value.
Start Snapshot Rollback
This command starts a rollback operation for one or more snapshot virtual disks. The content of the base
virtual disk changes immediately to match the content of the selected snapshot virtual disk at that point
in time. The base virtual disk immediately becomes available for read/write requests after the rollback
operation has successfully completed. To stop a snapshot rollback operation, use the stop rollback virtual
disk command. The repository virtual disk that is associated with the snapshot continues to track any new
changes between the base virtual disk and the snapshot virtual disk that occurs after the rollback
operation is completed.
start rollback (virtualDisk [snapshotVirtualDiskName]
virtualDisks [snapshotVirtualDiskName1 … snapshotVirtualDiskNameN])