disks supported on the storage array or the maximum size allowed by the model. iSCSI units have a limit
of 256 TB and SAS and Fibre Channel units have a limit of 1024 TB.
NOTE: If you enter a list of physical disks, ensure that all of the physical disks have the same
capacity. If the physical disks do not have the same capacity, each physical disk in the disk pool
reports capacity equal to the smallest physical disk.
create diskPool
physicalDisks=(enclosureID1,drawerID1,slotID1 ...
userLabel="diskPoolName" [physicalDiskCount=physicalDiskCountValue]
[enclosureLossProtect=(TRUE | FALSE)]
[drawerLossProtect=(TRUE | FALSE)]
[allocateReservedSpace=(TRUE | FALSE)]
[physicalDiskMediaType=(hdd | ssd | allMedia | unknown)]
Parameter Description
The physical disks you want to assign to the disk
pool. Enclosure ID values are 0 to 99; drawer ID
values are 0 to 4; slot ID values are 0 to 31.
NOTE: A disk pool must contain at least 11
physical disks.
Physical disk type value is sas. Enclose the
physical disk type values in parentheses. If the
physical disk type is specified, then all of the
unassigned physical disks of that type that are
compatible with each other are used for the
creation of the disk pool.
The physicalDiskCount parameter limits the
disk pool candidates to the given number. Use this
parameter only when the physicalDiskType
parameter is specified.
The default value is automatically determined by
the RAID controller module. This value is specified
in terms of the number of physical disks to reserve
in the disk pool for physical disk failures or physical
disk removals.