This example shows how to use the command in a script file:
suspend remoteReplication virtualDisk Jan_04_Account
The replication relationship remains suspended until you use the resume remoteReplication
command to restart synchronization activities. This command restarts data transfers between a primary
virtual disk and a secondary virtual disk in a replication relationship after the replication has been
suspended or unsynchronized.
This example shows the resume remoteReplication command:
-c “resume remoteReplication virtualDisk Jan_04_Account
The writeConsistency parameter in this command operates the same as in the previous command.
This example shows how to use the command in a script file:
resume remoteReplication virtualDisk Jan_04_Account
Removing A Replication Relationship
Use the remove remoteReplication command to remove the link between a primary virtual disk and
a secondary virtual disk. (Removing a replication relationship is similar to deleting a replication
relationship.) Removing the link between a primary virtual disk and a secondary virtual disk does not
affect any of the existing data on either virtual disk. The link between the virtual disks is removed, but the
primary virtual disk still continues normal I/O operations. Later, you can establish the replication
relationship between the two virtual disks and resume normal replication operations. You can remove the
replication relationship for one or several remote replicated pairs with this command.
This example shows the remove remoteReplication command:
-c “remove remoteReplication localVirtualDisk [Jan_04_Account];
When you run this command, use the name of the primary virtual disk of the remote replicated pair.
This example shows how to use the command in a script file:
remove remoteReplication localVirtualDisk [Jan_04_Account];
To re-establish the link between a primary virtual disk and a secondary virtual disk, use the create
remoteReplication command.
Deleting A Primary Virtual Disk Or A Secondary Virtual
Use the delete virtualDisk command to remove a primary virtual disk or a secondary virtual disk
from a storage array. Deleting a virtual disk in a replication relationship removes the replication
relationship and completely deletes the virtual disk from the storage array. You cannot redefine the
replication relationship until you create a new virtual disk or choose an alternate virtual disk to replace the
deleted virtual disk.