Parameter Definition
• The storage array password is specified by
using the -c parameter and the set session
password=password command.
Use to specify how frequently to include additional
profile or support bundle information in the e-mail
alert notifications. An e-mail alert notification that
contains at least the basic event information is
always generated for every critical event. If you set
the-I parameter to eventOnly, the only valid
argument for -q is everyEvent. If you set the-I
parameter to either profile or supportBundle,
this information is included with the e-mails with
the frequency specified by the-q parameter.
Valid frequency arguments are:
• everyEvent— Information is returned with
every e-mail alert notification.
• 2— Information is returned no more than once
every two hours.
• 4— Information is returned no more than once
every four hours.
• 8— Information is returned no more than once
every eight hours.
• 12— Information is returned no more than
once every 12 hours.
• 24— Information is returned no more than
once every 24 hours.
Use with the -a or -x parameter to specify the
name of a management station. The name of a
management station can be either direct_sa (out-
of-band storage array) or host_sa (in-band storage
arrays [host-agent]). The -r parameter enables you
to set or change the alert notifications for all
storage arrays under each management station.
-S (uppercase)
Use to suppress the informational messages
describing command progress that appear when
running script commands. (Suppressing
informational messages is also called silent mode.)
This parameter suppresses the following messages:
• Performance syntax check
• Syntax check complete
• Executing script
• Script execution complete
• SMcli completed successfully
-s (lowercase)
Use with the -d parameter to display the alert
settings in the configuration file.