Parameter Description
Name of the target virtual disk for which to stop a
virtual disk copy operation. You must put brackets
([ ]) around the target virtual disk name. If the target
virtual disk name has special characters, you must
also put quotation marks (" ") around the target
virtual disk name.
Name of the source virtual disk for which to stop a
virtual disk copy operation. You must put brackets
([ ]) around the source virtual disk name. If the
source virtual disk name has special characters,
you must also put quotation marks (" ") around the
source virtual disk name.
Suspend Remote Replication
This command suspends a Remote Replication operation.
NOTE: This command is valid only with Fibre Channel storage arrays.
suspend remoteReplication (primary
[primaryVirtualDiskName] |
primaries [
primaryVirtualDiskName1 ...
writeConsistency=(TRUE | FALSE)
Parameter Description
primary or primaries
The name of the virtual disk for which you want to
suspend operation. Enclose the virtual disk name in
square brackets ([ ]). If the virtual disk name has
special characters, also enclose the virtual disk
name in double quotation marks (“ ”).
This parameter defines whether the virtual disks
identified in this command are in a
writeconsistency group or are separate. For the
virtual disks in the same write-consistency group,
set this parameter to TRUE. For the virtual disks that
are separate, set this parameter to FALSE.