Excluding Files and Directory Paths from Scans
You can determine which files and directory paths are scanned, using extension or location properties as
• File Extensions Excluded From Virus Scan: Specifies file extensions (file types) to exclude from
scanning, such as docx.
• Directories Excluded From Virus Scan: Specifies directory paths to exclude from scanning, such
as /tmp/logs (alternatively, folders and sub‐folders).
The wildcards * (asterisk) and ? (question mark) are permitted when specifying directory paths, such as /
user/*/tmp or /user/t?p.
Supported Anti-Virus Applications
For the latest list of supported anti‐virus applications, see the Dell Fluid File System Version 3 Support
Matrix. At the time of this writing, the FluidFS cluster supports the following anti‐ virus applications:
• McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.8
• McAfee VirusScan Enterprise for Storage 1.0.2
• Sophos Endpoint Security and Control 10.0
• Symantec Protection Engine for Cloud 7.0
• Symantec ScanEngine 5.2
• TrendMicro InterScan Web Security Suite 3.1
Configuring Anti-Virus Scanning
To perform anti‐virus scanning, you must add an anti‐virus server and then enable anti‐virus scanning on a
per CIFS share basis.
Adding an Anti-virus Server
Add one or more anti‐virus servers. Dell recommends adding multiple anti‐virus servers to achieve high‐
availability of virus scanning, and reduce the latencies for file access. NAS anti‐virus allocates scanning
operations to the anti‐virus servers to maximize the available scanning bandwidth. The fewer the available
anti‐virus servers, the more time required to scan files.
• The anti‐virus server must be network accessible. Dell recommends that the server is located on
the same subnet as the FluidFS cluster.
• The anti‐virus server must run a supported ICAP‐enabled anti‐virus application.
• The anti‐virus server must be present and working. If no server is available, file access is denied
to clients.
1. Click the System tab on the left.
2. Click the Data Protection tab on the top.
3. In the Antivirus Scanners pane, click .
4. Click New Antivirus Server.
The New Antivirus Server dialog box appears.