37 of 42 Doc 01-20099 Rev F
OBSTRUCTION Adjustable pot controls gate sensitivity to blockages by the
RIGHT (R69) instantaneous rise in motor current. When the limit is exceeded, the
gate stops and reverses a programmed distance (a minimum of 2
OBSTRUCTION Adjustable pot controls gate sensitivity to blockages by the
LEFT (R160) instantaneous rise in motor current. When the limit is exceeded, the
gate stops and reverses a programmed distance (a minimum of 2
NOTE: LiftMaster gate operators have two obstruction sense adjustments (left and
right) where other gate operators have only one. This allows greater
flexibility of installation. For instance, you can install a gate on an incline
and not worry about sacrificing downhill gate sensitivity.
INRUSH Adjustable pot controls the delay in sensitivity to gate
(R203) obstructions. This delay in sensitivity prevents the initial motor
inrush current from causing a obstruction fault. The weight of the
gate determines this setting.
LIMIT SWITCH (J4) Connector for the left/right limit switch cable.
PWR INPUT (J1) Connector for AC input power.
MOTOR POWER (J3) Connector for the motor cable.
LOOP DETECTOR Connector for the optional LiftMaster Outside Interrupt Loop
(J15) add-on board.
LOOP DETECTOR Connector for the optional LiftMaster Inside Interrupt Loop detector
(J12) add-on board.
LOOP DETECTOR Connector for optional LiftMaster Shadow Loop detector add-on
(J13) board.
LOOP DETECTOR Connector for optional LiftMaster Exit Loop detector add-on board.
OBSTRUCTION Connector for factory-installed alarm.