
for all registrations from the IP VCR. table above.
Play back
Displays the prefix registered with the gatekeeper
for playing back stored recordings.
For more information about this prefix, refer to the
table above.
Active registrations page
If you click details, shown next to the Number of active registrations status entry, you are taken to the Active registrations
page. This page shows the complete set of IDs that the IP VCR is attempting to register with the configured H.323
gatekeeper, and includes the H.323 ID, prefixes, and specific E.164 number registrations for recordings and folders.
You can configure filters so that only specific registrations are shown in the list. This may help you to find a registration
whose number or name you know if the list is very long. The filtered registration list is automatically updated when you
change the ID and name filters; to stop filtering the list either delete the filters or click
Clear filters. If both the ID filter
and the name filter are defined, the registration list will show only those entries which match both filters.
Registration list
The registration list shows, for each registered ID, the type of that ID (H.323 ID, prefix or E.164 number), the object it
relates to, and the status of that registration. If you want to modify or remove a specific registered ID, click on the link in
its Details column to be taken to the relevant configuration page.