
To skip quickly backwards though a recording (fast rewind):
1. Change the camera control to “far”.
2. Use the
left control to engage rewind mode. The video will rapidly rewind, skipping several seconds backwards
at a time, and the playback time will be shown in the corner of the screen.
3. When you reach the point from which you wish to resume playback, press either
up to resume or down to pause
playback as required.
4. If the start of the recording is reached, rewind will stop and playback will pause.
5. Continue to watch the recording as normal, using playback controls as required.
Refer to the table below for assistance interpreting the icons that appear on-screen.
Icon Icon description
Playback is in fast forward mode. The icon will blink while the recording is being fast forwarded.
Playback is in fast rewind mode. The icon will blink while the recording is being rewound.