
name server
Identifies an optional second name server.
Domain name
(DNS suffix)
Specifies an optional suffix to add when performing
DNS lookups.
This can allow you to use non-fully qualified host
names when referring to a device by host name
instead of IP address.
For example, if the domain name is set to
codian.com, then a request to the name server to
look up the IP address of host endpoint will actually
lookup endpoint.codian.com.
IP status
Use the IP Status fields to verify the current IP settings for the appropriate Ethernet port of the IP VCR, which were
obtained using DHCP or configured manually (see
IP configuration settings) including:
Host name
IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway
Name server (DNS)
Secondary name server (DNS)
Domain name (DNS suffix)
Ethernet configuration
These settings determine the Ethernet settings for the appropriate port of the IP VCR. Refer to the table for assistance
with these settings. When you have finished, you must press
Update Ethernet configuration to make the changes take
Field Field description Usage tips
Specify whether you want this Ethernet port to
automatically negotiate its Ethernet settings with
the device it is connected to, or if it should use the
values that you specify in the Manual configuration
fields below.
It is important that your Ethernet settings match
those of the device to which this port is connected.
For example, both devices must be configured to
use automatic negotiation, or both configured with
fixed and matching speed and duplex settings (see
Manual configuration
Identifies the connection speed: 10 Mbit/s or 100
Mbit/s. Use automatic negotiation if a connection
speed of 1000 Mbit/s is required.
The connection speed must match that of the
device to which this port is connected.
You only need to select this option if you have
chosen manual Ethernet settings, as described