
Viewing and updating recording details
To view recording information for a particular recording, use your browser to view the IP VCR web interface, and go to
Recordings. Locate the recording you are interested in using the Stored recordings list, and click on its name.
The recording information page allows you to change the displayed name of a stored recording, set up a gatekeeper id and
add a PIN. In addition, you may review extended details, and download files in a number of formats for subsequent
playback or transferal to another IP VCR.
Refer to the following sections for further details:
Recording configuration
Recording status
Recording controls
Summary information
Recording configuration
You may review and edit a number of details pertaining to a recording. Make changes as required, and then click Update
configuration. Refer to the table below for more information on the fields displayed:
Field Field description Usage tips
Displays the current name of the recording. You
may specify a new name if required.
The recording name is shown in the recordings list
and in auto attendant menus.
You may not rename a recording with the same
name as an existing recording.
Numeric ID
You can specify a numeric ID that can be used in
conjunction with a gateway to allow users to dial
the recording directly from their endpoint.
The Numeric ID can be registered with the H.323
gatekeeper or with a SIP registrar to enable users to
dial the recording directly and have it displayed on
their endpoint.
When dialing, H.323 users might need to prefix
this gatekeeper ID if a prefix is set in the IP VCR
gatekeeper registration.
You may specify a security PIN to restrict access to
a recording.
If a PIN is set, users wishing to watch the recording
using a video endpoint or using streaming will be
asked for the PIN before they can proceed.
Numeric ID
If you want to register the recording with the
H.323 gatekeeper and/or the SIP registrar, select
the relevant check box.
Allow play
back and
When checked, this recording can be streamed or
downloaded by any user.
Enables the storing of private recordings.
When unchecked, this recording can only be
streamed or downloaded by admin users.