
Shutting down and restarting the IP VCR
It is sometimes necessary to shut down the IP VCR, generally to restart as part of an upgrade (see Upgrading the
firmware). You should also shut down the IP VCR before intentionally removing power from the IP VCR.
Shutting down the IP VCR will cause all playbacks to finish, allows the IP VCR to ensure that all recordings are cleanly
ended and stored, and will disconnect all recording and playback H.323 connections. In addition, the hard disk in the IP
VCR will be shut down safely - this is important to ensure the integrity of stored recordings.
To shut down the IP VCR, follow these steps:
1. Go to
Settings > Shutdown.
2. Click the
Shut down IP VCR button.
3. Confirmation of shutdown is required; the button changes to
Confirm IP VCR shutdown.
4. Click again to confirm.
5. The IP VCR will begin to shut down. The banner at the top of the page will change to indicate this.
When the shutdown is complete, the button changes to
Restart IP VCR.
6. Click this button a final time to restart the IP VCR.