
H.323 gatekeeper registration of externally stored recordings
Each IP VCR folder that links to an external location has a separate "Register external recordings with gatekeeper"
setting. When this is selected, each external recording retains its own H.323 gatekeeper and SIP registration option. If
"Register external recordings with gatekeeper" is not selected then the recordings in this folder that are stored in the
external location will not be accessible via the gatekeeper (unless this has been configured via another IP VCR). Note that
unless an individual recording is configured to be registered with an H.323 gatekeeper, then no registration of that
recording's Numeric ID will take place (refer to
Viewing and updating recording details).
This enables your configuration of the IP VCR to navigate the issues that will arise if multiple IP VCRs are able to see the
same set of recordings at an external location and if these recordings are registered with a gatekeeper. For example:
if you have multiple IP VCRs registered with the same gatekeeper, in which case no more than one would be
able to register a recording's configured Numeric ID
if you have IP VCRs registered with different gatekeepers, in which case it would be valid for them to register
the same set of IDs
multiple IP VCRs might be registered with the same gatekeeper but using different prefixes; again, the same set
of recordings could be registered by multiple IP VCRs
Note that currently there is no corresponding SIP registrar option for externally stored recordings.
NFS server information
NFS version 3 is supported by the IP VCR . This does not support client-based user / password authentication, instead
requiring server-side access control (typically based on remote address).
The NFS server can be configured as "read-write" or "read-only". If the server is "read-only", the IP VCR will not be
able to modify the XML "sidecar" file of an external recording or export recordings. If the server is "read-write", the IP
VCR can modify the XML "sidecar" file of external recordings and export recordings (if the folder is in "export" mode).