C,0,0,0,0,0,0 p
D,1,0,2 p
E,"~123~044~034~124~125~126","","~013~010" p
F,3,1,0,0,1 p
The parameters for each packet (A - F) are displayed. See each
packet description later in this chapter for more information.
Configuration Syntax Guidelines
When creating a printer configuration packet:
Follow the "Standard Syntax Guidelines" listed at the
beginning of this chapter.
Begin a packet with the configuration header (
Download multiple configuration packets within one packet or
download a single configuration packet.
Include the first five ANSI codes, at a minimum, in the control
characters packet.
If you change any of the online configuration packets, resend
the format packet to the printer, so the configuration changes
take effect.
Make sure the communication settings at the host match those
at the printer.
Making Print Adjustments
You can adjust where the printer prints on your supply by
adjusting the supply, print, or margin positions. However, keep in
mind the following:
Supply adjustments across the width of your supply, such as
the margin position, are based in dots. The 9416 printhead
can be 203 or 300 dots per inch.
Supply adjustments for the length of your supply, such as
supply position or print adjustment, are measured in 1/203 of
an inch, regardless of your printhead density.
Configuring the Printer