Option Errors
200 Option number must be 2, 4, 30, 31, 50, 51, 52, or 60.
201 Copy length is outside the range 1 - 2710.
202 Copy start position must be 1 - 255.
203 Destination start position must be 1 - 255.
204 Source field must be 0 - 999.
205 Copy type must be 1 (copy after rules) or 2 (copy
before rules).
206 Increment/Decrement selection must be I (increment) or
D (decrement).
207 Incrementing start position must be 0 - 2710.
208 Incrementing end position must be 0 - 2710.
209 The incrementing amount must be 0 - 999.
210 Security value for a PDF417 bar code must be 0 - 8.
Correct the value and resend the format to the printer.
211 Narrow element value is less than 1 or greater than 99.
Correct the value and resend the format to the printer.
212 Wide element value is less than 1 or greater than 99.
Correct the value and resend the format to the printer.
213 Dimension must be 1 - 30 for a column or 3 - 90 for a
row on a PDF417 bar code.
214 Truncation code must be S (standard) or T (truncated
bar code).
215 Aspect code must be C (columns) or R (rows).