Setting Communication Parameters
Use the following information if you are connecting to the printer’s
9-pin serial port.
The communication parameters at the printer must match those at
the host, or you will not be able to communicate.
You can use the communication settings packet to set
communication parameters for your printer.
On MS-DOS computers, you can use the MODE command to set
communication values on your PC.
For example
MODE COM1:9600,N,8,1
This command sets your host to these communication values:
a baud rate of 9600
no parity
8 bit word length
1 stop bit
Using Parallel Communications
If your printer supports parallel communications, the parallel port
is Centronics® mode. The communication settings are
automatically configured for you. There are no operator settings
We recommend waiting at least two seconds (or longer) when
switching between the serial and parallel ports to send data,
because data may be lost. Be careful when using print spoolers,
because data transmission occurs in the background of the
operating system. This makes data transmission completion
difficult to determine when switching between ports.
Configuring the Printer