Format Errors
001 Format ID number must be 1 - 999.
002 Name must be 1 - 8 characters inside quotes or a
printer-assigned name ("").
003 Action must be A (add) or C (clear).
004 Supply length is invalid. See "Defining the Format
Header" in Chapter 3 for valid lengths.
005 Supply width is invalid. See "Defining the Format
Header" in Chapter 3 for valid widths.
006 Storage device must be R (volatile RAM), T (temporary
storage), or F (flash memory).
007 Unit of measure must be E (English), M (Metric), or G
(Dots). See "Defining the Format Header" in Chapter 3
for information.
010 Field ID number is outside the range 0 - 999.
011 Field length exceeds 2710.
012 Row field position is greater than the maximum stock
dimension. See "Defining Text Fields" in Chapter 3 for
valid row lengths.
013 Column field position is greater than the maximum stock
dimension. See "Defining Text Fields" in Chapter 3 for
valid column widths.
014 Font style is invalid. See "Defining Text Fields" in
Chapter 3 or Appendix B, "Fonts," for more information.