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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
Passport 4400
A low-cost Nortel Multiservice Switch network access unit capable of
multiplexing voice, fax, video, and LAN traffic onto a frame relay interface.
Passport Carrier Release (PCR)
The Passport Carrier Release (PCR) is the software load that runs on these
members of the Nortel Multiservice Switch family:
Multiservice Switch 7400 series
Multiservice Switch 15000
Multiservice Switch 15000 VSS
Multiservice Switch 20000
One load supports all of these nodes. Each PCR is given an incremental
version number, 4.1 for example. The software version directly supports
specific hardware and software functionality and services that are added or
changed for a release.
Passport queue controller (PQC)
A hardware chip on some Nortel Multiservice Switch ATM function processors
that performs base layer functions, such as ATM cell forwarding and frame
forwarding for frame relay and IP traffic.
Passport to Passport interface (PPI)
A proprietary ATM interface between Nortel Multiservice Switch nodes. The
PPI is the Multiservice Switch system’s interim NNI (network-to-network
interface) product while NNI standards develop.
A patch is a temporary enhancement or correction to the functionality of an
application version. Patches allow for a number of small changes to be made
to an application until the next version of the application is available. In
general, a new application version will incorporate all the changes in
functionality made in the preceding patches.
The instance of a route for a logical connection in the network that has a flow
in each direction. It is the sequence of Nortel Multiservice Switch trunks that
is used to form the connection.
path administrator (PA)
A subcomponent of Nortel Multiservice Switch Tr unk component, that is used
to describe bandwidth-sharing characteristics and path activities.