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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
alternate clock master
For Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400 nodes, the bus tap in slot 0 or slot 15,
which is the alternate clock signal for a backplane bus. This term can also be
applied to the processor card that contains the bus tap. See also
clock master
(page 28).
alternate mark inversion (AMI)
A digital line encoding technique in which a zero is transmitted by no pulse
while a one is transmitted by a pulse opposite in polarity to the previous pulse.
alternate path
An optional pre-determined path for a specified path connection. The
alternate path acts as a backup in case the primary path fails.
See access module (AM) (page 6).
AM cluster
A set of DPN-100 access modules (AM) and routing identifiers (RID), where
these AMs and RIDs have been grouped for routing purposes. Each AM
cluster can have up to two RIDs. Each RID can be a member of more than one
AM cluster.
American standard code for information interchange (ASCII)
A standards-based format for text files, in which each character is represented
as a 7-digit binary string. There are 128 characters. There are variations,
notably for Windows NT and derivative operating systems and IBM System
390 servers. There is also extended ASCII, which includes up to 256
See alternate mark inversion (AMI) (page 10).
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
An organization that establishes voluntary industry standards.
ancestor node
An ancestor node is a node that has a parent relationship to a given node.
See adjacent network identifier (ANID) (page 8).
See American National Standards Institute (ANSI) (page 10).