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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
VLAN identifier (VID)
A VLAN identifier (VID) is a 12-bit field in the TCI subheader of the
IEEE802.1Q tag header.
See Virtual Media (VM) (page 142).
voice band data (VBD)
Modulated data calls, typically fax and modem calls, carried on a voice
voice compression
The process of electronically modifying a 64-kbit/s voice channel to obtain a
channel of 32 kbit/s or less for the purpose of increased efficiency in
voice gateway control protocol (VGCP)
A Nortel Networks proprietary version of the simple gateway control protocol
(SGCP). VGCP is one possible control interface between the media gateway
controller and the Media Gateway. (VGCP is also known as ASPEN).
voice networking
A service that allows the user to dynamically interconnect voice switches,
such as PBXs, through SVCs.
voice networking call server (VNCS)
The voice networking call server is a database which provides routing and
voice profile information, based on the dialed number, to PORS during voice
networking SVC establishment.
See voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) (page 145).
voice over frame relay
A Nortel Multiservice Switch system encapsulation protocol that manages
prioritized egress queues and repackages payload frames to assure the
dominance of multimedia (dominantly voice) traffic over application data
traffic. Large data frames are fragmented to avoid multimedia delays and link
frames are packed with data fragments to assure optimal link bandwidth
voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
Voice traffic over an IP network using ATM or Ethernet transport capabilities.