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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
See Network Equipment Building System (NEBS) (page 87).
See nailed-up endpoint (NEP) (page 86).
Network Clock Synchronization (NCS) System
A system used to synchronize the clocking of multiple ports and nodes in the
Nortel Multiservice Switch network. NCS can be synchronized to the signal
originating from a single internal source or to a source external to the network.
NCS ensures the accurate transmission and reproduction of synchronous
data (for example, BTDS uses NCS).
Network Engineering host
The Network Engineering host receives Nortel Multiservice Switch system
statistics data in bulk data format from the Management Data Provider. The
data is used by this host for planning and analysis of network operations.
Network Equipment Building System (NEBS)
The Telcordia standards for power cabling, grounding, and environmental
safety, power, and operation interfaces for telecommunications equipment.
The NEBS frame is used to house telecommunications equipment.
Network Equipment Building System (NEBS) 2000 frame
A Nortel Networks universal frame used to house a Nortel Multiservice Switch
device. The installation consists of two half NEBS frames bolted together back
to back. The NEBS frame measures 600 mm in width by 600 mm in depth by
mm in height.
Network File System (NFS)
A seamless file system that can operate over a whole network. It is based on
Sun’s NFS protocol and operates on IP networks using IP and UDP or TCP.
Networking allows for the transfer of packets from source to destination
through Nortel Multiservice Switch routing, trunking, and traffic management
network interface specification A211-1 (NIS A211-1)
A North American variant of an ISDN CCS signaling protocol supported by
Nortel Multiservice Switch voice networking service. See also common
channel signaling.