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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
Grouping of one or more physical links using the formats and procedures of
the multilink frame relay (MLFR) standards. The bundle operates as a logical
interface function that emulates a single physical interface to the Q.922 data
link layer.
bundle link
A multilink frame relay (MLFR) sub-component that controls operation of one
of the bundle’s physical links.
burst tolerance (BT)
A characteristic of ATM usage parameter control applied to traffic defined
through traffic descriptor types 6, 7, and 8, and is based primarily on the MBS
value defined in parameter 3 for each of these types. BT is defined as MBS
minus 1 multiplied by the difference between the PCR and SCR cell intervals.
BT, together with SCR and the GCRA, determines the MBS that can be
transmitted at the PCR.
The Nortel Multiservice Switch node bus.
bus control system (BCS)
The software system that manages the operation of the Nortel Multiservice
Switch node bus.
bus controller (BC)
A Nortel Multiservice Switch ASIC that allows a processor card to send and
receive data and to control information over a backplane bus. There are two
bus controllers for each processor card, one for each 800 Mbit/s bus.
bus mode
A property of a Nortel Multiservice Switch node that indicates the number of
backplane buses that are currently in service (for example, single-bus mode
or dual-bus mode).
bus tap
The interface between a processor card and the backplane bus. The bus tap
consists of a bus controller ASIC and some additional backplane interface
logic. There are two bus taps for each processor card.
bus terminator card
A printed circuit board that terminates backplane traces, thereby reducing
errors on the backplane buses by eliminating signal reflection. Each shelf
contains two bus terminator cards, one at each end of the backplane.