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List of terms
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
NN10600-005 7.2S1 Standard
PCR7.2 and up March 2006
Copyright © 2006, Nortel Nortel Confidential
See loss of IMA frame (LIF) (page 77).
1 A dedicated private or leased facility that connects user equipment to the
Nortel Multiservice Switch network. A line can be a link.
2 In SONET, a part of a connection between STS-n multiplexers.
3 In SDH, a part of a connection between STM-n multiplexers.
line automatic protection switching (APS)
1 Automatic protection switching applied to SONET and SDH lines.
Sometimes called linear APS in some specifications, such as Telcordia
2 See automatic protection switching (APS) (page 15)
line sparing
See automatic protection switching (APS) (page 15).
1 A channel or path between network entities that includes the connection
and the interface devices.
2 A component model data type used to relate non-hierarchical
components. It is represented using an attribute on either component with
a value being the other component name. If one side of the link is
changed, the other is automatically updated.
link access procedure on frame relay (LAPF)
The data link layer protocol that has been defined for ITU-T Q.921. LAPF is an
ISDN access protocol used with links that are established on frame relay.
link access procedure on the D-channel (LAPD)
The data link layer protocol that has been defined for ITU-T Q.921. LAPD is
an ISDN access protocol used with links established on a D-channel.
link aggregation (LAG)
Logical grouping of multiple Ethernet links.
link aggregation control protocol (LACP)
This protocol is used to exchange LAG information between two nodes.
link controller (LC)
The integrated circuit (ASIC) that provides a serial data interface into the
Nortel Multiservice Switch node.