MIDI Settings
1. Go to the Prog Select /Mixer page.
2. Select a brass sound for Timbre 1, and a strings
sound for Timbre 2.
3. Go to the MIDI tab of the P2: Timbre Parameters
4. For Timbres 1 and 2, set Status to INT and MIDI
Channel to Gch (the Global Channel).
5. Go to the Velocity Zones tab of the MIDI
Filter/Zones page.
6. Set Timbre 1’s Top Velocity to 127, and its Bottom
Velocity to 64.
7. Set Timbre 2 to a Top Velocity of 63, and a Bottom
Velocity of 1.
Velocity Zone Slope
Similar to Key Zone Slopes, as described above, these
let you fade in and fade out sounds gradually over a
velocity range, instead of a simple hard switch.
In the case of the above example, you could set the
velocity zones of the two Timbres so that they partially
overlap. Then, set the Top Slope and Bottom Slope so
that the sound changes gradually, instead of changing
suddenly between velocity values of 63 and 64.
MIDI Settings
Timbre Parameters MIDI page
This controls the status of MIDI and the internal tone
generator for each Timbre. Normally, if you’re playing
an internal Program, this should be set to INT.
If the status is set to Off, EXT, or EX2, that internal
sounds will not be played. Off simply disables the
Timbre entirely. The EXT and EX2 settings allow the
Timbre to control an external MIDI device. For more
information, see “Status” on page 360 of the Parameter
Bank Select (when status=EX2)
When the Status is set to EX2, these parameters allow
you to transmit MIDI Bank Select messages for
changing banks on external MIDI devices.
MIDI Channel
Timbres that you wish to play from OASYS’s keyboard
must be set to the global MIDI channel. Your playing
on the keyboard is transmitted on the global MIDI
channel, and will sound any timbre that matches this
channel. Normally you will set this to Gch. When this
is set to Gch, the MIDI channel of the timbre will
always match the global MIDI channel, even if you
change the global MIDI channel.
On some preloaded combinations, Timbres used by
KARMA may have their MIDI Channels set to
something other than Gch. These will be timbres
that play only when KARMA is on–a very useful
technique for creating “KARMAlized”
For more information, see “7–1c: MIDI I/O” on
page 376 of the Parameter Guide. In particular, note
the relationships between KARMA assignments and
MIDI Channel.
MIDI filter settings
For each MIDI Filter item, you can specify whether or
not the corresponding MIDI message will be
transmitted and received. The checked items will be
transmitted and received.
The MIDI filters don’t turn the functions themselves on
or off. Instead, the filter just controls whether or not
that MIDI message will be transmitted and received.
For example, if portamento is on, portamento will be
applied to the internal OASYS sound even if
Portamento SW CC#65 is unchecked.
As another example, let’s say that you’ve selected a
bass Program for Timbre 1, and a piano Program for
Timbre 2, with the goal of creating a bass/piano split.
You could make the following settings so that pressing
the damper pedal affects only Timbre 2’s piano sound:
1. Go to the MIDI Filter 1 tab of the MIDI
Filter/Zones page.
2. Check the Enable Damper box for Timbre 1.
3. Un-check the Enable Damper box for Timbre 2.
Altering Programs to fit within a Combination
You can make various changes to Programs within the
context of a particular Combination, to make them fit
better with other Programs, or to create particular
sonic effects. These changes do not affect the original
Programs, or how those Programs sound in other
Timbre Parameters: OSC
Force OSC Mode
Normally this should be set to PRG, so that the sound
will play as set by the original Program.
If you wish to force a polyphonic program to sound
monophonically, set this either to MN (Mono) or LGT
(Legato). Conversely, set this to Poly if you wish to
force a monophonic program to play polyphonically.
Timbre 1
Timbre 2