Settings for the entire OASYS (Global mode)
Wave Sequence graphic
What’s in a step?
Wave Sequences have 64 steps (although you don’t
have to use all of them–see “Setting the length of the
sequence” on page 152). Each step includes:
• A “type” setting, which makes the step either play
a Multisample, continue the previous step like a
tied note, or play only silence like a musical rest.
• A selected Multisample, which sets the basic sound
of the step.
• Multisample Reverse and Start Offset parameters,
which modify the basic sound of the Multisample.
• Volume, coarse tuning, and fine tuning for the
• A duration, which controls how long the step lasts.
You can set the duration in either milliseconds or
musical beats.
• A crossfade time, which sets how long it takes to
fade into the next step.
• Fade-in and fade-out shapes for the crossfade, for
subtle control of the transition between this step
and the next step.
• Two AMS output values, which can be used to
control other Program parameters.
Setting the length of the sequence
You can use anything from 1 to 64 steps in a Wave
Sequence. You also don’t have to start on step 1. To set
the length of the sequence:
1. Go to the Seq Parameters page.
2. Set the Start Step as desired.
You can also modulate the Start Step in real-time; for
more information, see “Start Step modulation” on
page 157. Modulating the start step does not change
the End Step.
3. Set the End Step as desired.
The read-only Length parameter will show you the
total number of steps between the two points.
Setting up the loop
Wave Sequences can loop, so that some or all of the
steps are played repeatedly–like a drum loop, or a loop
in a sequencer.
You can set the start and end of the loop separately
from the start and end of the Wave Sequence itself. The
loop can either play for as long as the note is played, or
repeat a specified number of times. Finally, you can
choose whether the loop plays forwards, plays
backwards, or alternates between backwards and
To set up the loop:
1. Set the Loop Start and End Steps as desired.
2. Set the Loop Direction.
Forwards plays from the Start Step to the Loop End,
and then skips back to the Loop Start.
Backwards/Forwards plays from the Start Step to the
Loop End, then backwards from the Loop End to the
Loop Start, and then forwards again to the Loop End,
and so on.
Backwards plays from the Start Step to the Loop End,
then backwards from the Loop End to the Loop Start,
and then skips back to the Loop End, and so on.
3. Set the Loop Repeats.
You can set the loop to repeat a specific number of
times, between 1 and 127. You can also make the loop
keep playing for as long as the note is held (the INF
setting), or not repeat at all (the Off setting).
Adjusting the sound of an individual step
You can make some basic adjustments to the sound of
each step’s Multisample, including changing its
volume and pitch, making it play in reverse, and
changing the sample start points.
You can also use the AMS Outputs to modulate other
Program parameters outside of the Wave Sequence,
such as Filter Frequency, Pan, and so on.
To edit steps:
1. Go to the Step Parameters page.
This page shows the parameters for eight steps at a
time. Use the scroll bar at the right of the screen to
change which steps are in view.
2. In order for a step to make a sound, set its Type to
Multi (Multisample).
3. Select a Multisample using the Bank and
Multisample pop-up menus.
Mono and stereo Multisamples are stored in different
Banks. Each step can be either mono or stereo. Note
that even if only one step uses a stereo Multisample,