Sampling (Open Sampling System)
Sampling Overview
About sampling on the OASYS
The OASYS can sample external audio from the analog
or S/P DIF inputs, at 48 kHz 16-bit resolution, in mono
or stereo. You can record samples into RAM, or sample
directly to disk.
You can also digitally resample the complete sound of
a Program, Combi, or Song, played live or sequenced,
including any effects and KARMA-generated events.
Finally, you can also sample (or “rip”) directly from an
audio CD, in the digital domain.
Once a sample is loaded into RAM, you can use it
directly in Drum Kits, or make it into a Multisample
and use it anywhere that you use ROM Multisamples,
such as in HD-1 Programs or Wave Sequences.
Sampling and RAM
The OASYS comes with 1 GB of RAM pre-installed,
which can be expanded up to 2 GB with a user-
installable DIMM module. This memory is shared
between the operating system, ROM and EXs samples,
and RAM samples.
In particular, the size of the currently loaded EXs
samples trades off against the memory available for
RAM samples. The more space used by the EXs
samples, the less is available for RAM samples.
You can choose which EXs are loaded, if any, by using
the Expansion Sample Setup menu command, on the
Global mode Basic Setup page. For more information,
see “Expansion Sample Setup” on page 684 of the
Parameter Guide.
EXs samples and available sample RAM
Note: To check the amount of sample RAM available,
see “0–1f: Free Sample Memory/Locations” on
page 572 of the Parameter Guide.
The amount of sampling time depends on the amount
of free RAM, as shown below:
Free RAM and approximate sampling times
Installing additional RAM
You can install additional RAM, up to a total of 2 GB.
For more information, see “Installing memory” on
page 1038 of the Parameter Guide.
Sampling to disk
You can sample directly to disk, creating a WAVE file.
This lets you record up to 80 minutes continuously, in
either mono or stereo (mono: approximately 440 MB,
stereo: approximately 879 MB).
As long as they fit into the available RAM, these WAVE
files can then be loaded into RAM and used in Drum
Kits, HD-1 Programs or Wave Sequences.
WAVE files can also be used in audio tracks of the
sequencer, or used to create an audio CD. For more
information, see “Audio recording” on page 96, and
“Creating and playing audio CDs” on page 175.
The OASYS features an Open Sampling System that
supports a wide range of sources and formats as
described below.
Sampling mode
1) Analog audio signals from a mic or audio device
connected to the AUDIO INPUT jacks can be
converted into digital signals and sampled. You can
also apply effects while sampling.
2) Digital audio signal from a digital audio device
connected to the S/P DIF jack can be sampled directly.
You can also apply effects while sampling. The
S/P DIF input/output jacks support sample rates of 48
kHz and 96 kHz.
3) Digital audio signals from an audio CD in the
internal CD-R/RW drive (or a USB-connected CD-
R/RW drive) can be sampled directly (“ripped”).
4) Samples can be processed through effects and
internally sampled again (“resampled”). You can use
either “Auto” mode which automatically applies the
specified effect processing to the sample you specify, or
“Manual” mode which lets you play the sample
manually with effects applied and resample your
Program, Combination, Sequencer modes
1) You can resample a performance that uses the
functionality (filters, effects, KARMA function,
sequencer, etc.) of each mode.
EXs Loaded
Available Sample RAM
1GB installed 2GB Installed
None 500 MB ~1.5 GB
EXs1 ROM Expansion 187 MB ~1.2 GB
EXs2 Concert Grand Piano 0 MB ~1 GB
Free RAM
Approximate Sampling Time (min:sec)
Mono Stereo
16 MB 2:54 1:27
64 MB 11:39 5:49
128 MB 23:18 11:39
256 MB 46:36 23:18
512 MB 93:12 46:36
Free RAM
Approximate Sampling Time (min:sec)
Mono Stereo