Front and rear panels Front panel
6. KARMA buttons
KARMA stands for “Kay Algorithmic Realtime Music
Architecture.” It’s an immensely powerful recording
and live performance tool, which can provide a wide
range of musical effects including:
• Arpeggiation
• Drum and instrument grooves
• Complex CC gestures (as if it was automatically
moving knobs or joysticks for you)
• Musical phrase generation, such as piano flourishes
• Gated and chopped dance production effects
• Any combination of the above
• …and much more.
ON/OFF button
This switches the KARMA function on and off. As with
the other KARMA buttons, the button’s LED will light
up to show you that it is turned on.
LATCH button
When LATCH is turned on, KARMA will continue to
play even after you’ve stopped holding notes on the
keyboard, drum/chord pads, or MIDI In.
This is convenient when you want to play on top of a
KARMA-generated groove, for instance.
This lets you assign notes and chords to the drum and
chord pads. There are a several different ways to do
this; here’s one of them:
1. Play a single note, or a chord of up to 8 notes.
2. Press the CHORD ASSIGN button.
3. Press the pad to which you’d like to assign the
That’s it–the note or chord is now assigned to the pad.
For more information, see “Drum & Chord Pads” on
page 48.
In Combi and Sequencer modes, KARMA has four
independent Modules, each of which can be
generating a different musical effect. When used to
control KARMA, the Control Surface sliders and
switches are five layers deep: one for each Module (A-
D), and then a Master Layer which controls selected
parameters from all of the Modules at once.
The MODULE CONTROL button selects whether the
control either a single Module independently, or the
Master Layer. In Program mode, only a single Module
is available, and the Master Layer is used to control it;
you cannot select other settings).
7. Control Surface (MIXER &
The Control Surface is the set of 9 sliders, 8 knobs, and
16 switches to the left of the LCD screen. It looks like a
mixer, but can do a variety of things such as editing
sounds, controlling the KARMA function, and sending
MIDI messages to external devices. You can freely
change back and forth between the different functions
without losing any of your edits.
As explained below, you can use the front panel
CONTROL ASSIGN buttons to switch between the
various control surface functions. You can also view
and edit the control surface settings on the LCD screen
(P0– Control Surface page in each mode).