Overview - What is KARMA? Synchronizing the KARMA function
Synchronizing the KARMA function
Synchronization with a wave sequence
If you want a KARMA module to synchronize with a
currently-playing wave sequence (“Mode”= Tempo),
turn “Quantize Trigger” on (checked) so that it will
synchronize to sixteenth-note intervals of the timing.
The “Quantize Trigger” parameter
The trigger timing of a KARMA module will depend
on the setting of its “Quantize Trigger” parameter.
On (checked): The trigger timing of a KARMA module
will be quantized to a sixteenth-note interval of the
base tempo.
Off (unchecked): The KARMA module will be
triggered at the timing at which you play the
For more information, see “Quantize Trigger” on
page 108 of the Parameter Guide.
Note: If you want a wave sequence to synchronize to
the currently-playing KARMA function, go to the P2:
Track Parameters Wave Sequence/KARMA page and
turn “Wave Sequence Quantize Trigger” on.
Synchronization between KARMA
modules A, B, C, and D
In Combination and Sequencer modes, four KARMA
modules can be running. Each module has a “Quantize
Trigger” setting that determines how that module will
synchronize with the other modules.
“Quantize Trigger” Off: The KARMA module will be
triggered at the timing at which you play the
keyboard. There will be no synchronization between
KARMA modules; each will be triggered at their own
“Quantize Trigger” On: The KARMA module will
synchronize to sixteenth-note intervals of the timing
the first-triggered KARMA module that is currently
If you want to simultaneously trigger multiple
KARMA modules from the keyboard or pads, turn
“Quantize Trigger” on for each of these KARMA
Synchronization with songs, patterns, and
RPPR performance in Sequencer mode
If you want a KARMA module to play (or be recorded)
in synchronization with the currently-playing song,
pattern, or RPPR, turn “Quantize Trigger” on.
“Quantize Trig” Off: The KARMA module will be
triggered at the timing at which you play the
keyboard. It will not synchronize to the currently-
playing song, pattern, or RPPR.
“Quantize Trig” On: The trigger timing of the
KARMA module will be quantized to a sixteenth-note
interval of the currently-playing song, pattern, or
Note: If you want patterns played by RPPR to
synchronize to the currently-operating KARMA
function, set “Sync” (Sequencer P5: Pattern/RPPR–
RPPR Setup page) to SEQ.
Note: If you want a wave sequence to synchronize to
the currently-playing song, pattern, RPPR, or the
currently-running KARMA function, go to the P2:
Track Parameters Wave Sequence/KARMA page and
turn on “Wave Sequence Quantize Trigger” as well.
For more information, see “Wave Sequence Quantize
Trigger” on page 366 of the Parameter Guide.
Synchronization with song start/stop
Synchronization with a song in Sequencer
• While the KARMA function is running, pressing
the START/STOP switch will synchronize the
KARMA function with the sequencer.
The KARMA function will be reset, and the phrases
or patterns it generates will start from the
• While the sequencer is playing and the KARMA
function is stopped, and you change the location by
pressing the LOCATE switch etc., the KARMA
function will be reset, and the phrases or patterns it
generates will start from the beginning.
• If you then press the START/STOP switch, the
sequencer and the KARMA function will both stop.
If you want to stop only the KARMA function,
press the (KARMA) ON/OFF switch.
• If you want the KARMA function to start the
moment recording begins, press the (KARMA)
ON/OFF switch, and then play the keyboard
during the pre-count before recording. The
KARMA modules will not be triggered
immediately, but will be triggered in
synchronization with the sequencer the moment
recording starts.
Slave operation
Connect the MIDI OUT of your external MIDI device
to the OASYS’ MIDI IN.
Set “MIDI Clock” (Global 1–1a: MIDI Setup) to
External MIDI. The OASYS will synchronize to MIDI
realtime clock and realtime command messages it
receives from the connected MIDI device.
Note: If the OASYS is set to MIDI Clock= Auto, it will
also synchronize to the external MIDI device in the
same way if MIDI realtime clock messages are being
received from the external device.
Synchronization to MIDI clock
The KARMA function will synchronize to a tempo
based on the external MIDI clock timing.