• If this is checked, RAM will be optimized
automatically when sampling ends, meaning that
the sound will stop when sampling ends. If a song
is being played in Sequencer mode or if a CD is
being played back, the playback will stop.
There is a time lag between pressing the
SAMPLING REC switch and entering
sampling-standby mode
The length of time until you enter sampling-standby
mode will depend on the state of the free space on the
hard disk (i.e., whether the free space is continuous or
• When sampling to the hard disk, pressing the
SAMPLING REC switch will cause the amount of
space specified by Sample Time to be allocated
within the hard disk.
• You should set Sample Time slightly longer than
the length that you will actually sample, and avoid
specifying an excessively long sample time.
KARMA does not start
Is the KARMA ON/OFF switch turned on (lit)?
If a KARMA module does not start in Combination or
Sequencer mode, is the Run Check Box checked for
that module? Also, are the Input Channel and Output
Channel settings appropriate?
Is MIDI Clock (Global P1: MIDI) set to Internal or
In the Global P0: Basic Setup page, could All KARMA
Off be checked?
Can’t control the volume
Is the Enable Volume Control check box checked?
Is the Combination or Sequencer mode VJS Assign
setting appropriate?
Have you checked the Enable Program Vector Volume
check box so that the volume control of a program can
be reproduced in Combination or Sequencer mode?
CC control does not work
Is the Enable CC Control check box checked?
Are the VJS X mode and VJS Y mode settings
In Combination or Sequencer mode, are the Enable
Combi Vector CC or Enable Song Vector CC check
boxes checked?
Have you checked the Enable Program Vector CC
check box so that the CC control of a program can be
reproduced in Combination or Sequencer mode?
An envelope doesn’t operate according to
its settings
Is the front panel vector joystick set to the center
position? The operation of the envelope is offset by the
position of the vector joystick.
• Hold down the RESET CONTROLS switch and
move the vector joystick to reset it to the center.
Drum Kits
The drum sample’s pitch does not change
You have left the Assign check box unchecked, and
want to play the drum sample at the adjacent right a
semitone lower, but the pitch does not change.
• If you have selected a drum program in Program
mode, and then want to edit the drum kit in Global
mode, go to the Program P2: Edit-Pitch, OSC1 Pitch
Mod. page and set Pitch Slope to +1.0 before you
enter Global mode.
Wave Sequences
The wave sequence does not advance
Is the Run check box checked?
Swing does not work properly
Is the wave sequence’s Mode set to Tempo?
Is the wave sequence’s Swing Resolution set