Sunshine Kids Juvenile Products Radian 65 Car Seat User Manual

Cleaning and Maintenance
Cleaning / Maintenance of release
mechanism and locking bolts:
Periodically inspect release levers and locking
bolts for cleanliness and proper functioning: When
release levers are lifted, release levers and locking
bolts should spring back immediately and
 Do NOT use restraint if release levers and
locking bolts do not function properly. There may
be excessive build-up of debris that cannot be
removed or internal damage to the locking
mechanisms that could prevent safe functioning.
 Do NOT oil or lubricate any part of the restraint.
 Do NOT use restraint if there is any appearance
of rust on any metal surface
Remove debris from release
mechanism areas (fig. 1)
with soft bristled brush.
Removing dried liquids or food require more
thorough cleaning:
1. Secure restraint in its folded position (see page
11, folding restraint).
2. Clean with damp cloth only: wet cloth with warm
water and wring thoroughly so it is NOT dripping
3. Towel dry
4. Confirm areas are free of debris and release
mechanisms function properly.
Use ONLY water
Do NOT use solvents, soap, abrasive cleaners or
any detergents.