Sunshine Kids Juvenile Products Radian 65 Car Seat User Manual

Check List:
Confirm restraint is properly positioned.
Confirm LATCH belt is tight and that connections
to approved LATCH anchorss are secure.
Confirm restraint is stable (see page 25).
Removal: Press red release button on back of
each LATCH connector. Disconnect top tether.
Properly store LATCH belt and top tether.
Installation Tip:
Unfasten fabric side
panels and reach behind
restraint cover for easy
access to belt path.
(Fig. 3)
Confirm LATCH belt lays
flat and is not twisted.
Attach each connector to
the LATCH anchor
closest to each side of
the restraint. (Fig. 4)
 LATCH connector will
click to confirm
attachment to anchor.
Kneel on restraint to force
it into vehicle seat while
pulling LATCH belt tight.
(Fig. 5)
Vehicle cushions should
compress where there is
contact with restraint.
Tightening Tip:
For best results:
Pull loose end of LATCH
strap through back of
restraint to tighten.
(Fig. 6)