Sunshine Kids Juvenile Products Radian 65 Car Seat User Manual

Locking a Vehicle Lap-Shoulder
Belt with a Locking Clip
7. Once seat belt is tight and
locked, complete
remaining installation
NOTE: To prevent loss,
secure locking clip in its
storage location after use.
Restraint Cover
Never remove harness buckle tongues or chest
clip from harness shoulder straps. This is
dangerous and is NOT necessary when removing
and replacing restraint cover.
Removing restraint cover:
1. Unthread harness shoulder straps from back of
restraint (see page 34, adjusting harness height).
2. Remove fasteners
securing cover to inside
of restraint bottom.
(Fig. 1A)
3. Remove fasteners
securing cover to outside
of restraint bottom.
(Fig. 1B)
4. Unhook fasteners
securing cover to front of
5. Carefully remove upper portion of cover from
restraint taking care not to damage the white EPS
foam panels, and then remove cover from bottom
portion of the restraint.
Replacing restraint cover:
To replace the cover, follow cover removal
instructions in reverse order. Make sure harness
shoulder straps are threaded through the
correct slots and that harness straps are not
twisted. (See page 34, for changing harness