10 11/2005
Provider Access
Participating BCBSGa physicians and their staffs have fast, easy access to information
about patients and claims – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Simply log on to
www.bcbsga.com and click on Provider Access. Some secure areas require a
password that can be applied for online. Physicians will receive their password in the
mail within 7 to 14 days. Provider Access is the total information source for:
Member eligibility and benefits
• Co-pay, deductible and co-insurance amounts
• Type of health plan
• Routine benefit descriptions
• Accumulations for deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums
Claim status
• Claim ID number
• Date of service
• Billed and paid amounts
• CPT code and contract type
• Immediate print-out of a specific remit
Online referrals are available by providing the member’s information and the
name of the specialist to whom the patient will be referred.
BlueExchange is our online service where physician practices may conduct
transactions related to patients they have treated who are enrolled in a Blue
Cross and Blue Shield plan outside of Georgia. Available online transactions
• Eligibility/benefits inquiry (270/271)
• Claim status inquiry (276/277)