• DO NOT place this Safety Seat in any vehicle
seat that faces to the rear or to either side of
the vehicle. (Fig. 14-1 & 14-2).
• DO NOT use this Safety Seat in a vehicle
that has a vehicle seat back that does
not lock into place. A seat back that folds
forward must have a latch or locking
mechanism to prevent it from ying
forward and striking the child in a sudden
stop or accident.
• Please review your vehicle owner’s manual
to determine the best location for the Safety
Seat or to determine if any locations are
unsafe for safety seat installation. If you
do not have the vehicle owner’s manual
or the owner’s manual does not address
child safety seat installation, please contact
the vehicle manufacturer to obtain this
information before using the safety seat.
4.3 Check that the Vehicle Seat Belt is Safe to Use
The Safety Seat is designed to be tightly installed at all
times. The vehicle seat belt must be capable of maintaining
tight installation at all times. A variety of vehicle seat belt
systems have been installed on vehicles that are not safe
Fig. 14-1
Fig. 14-2