■ Record Mode & Input Settings
Once your sources are connected as required (if you will be sampling from an external source),
press the [SAMPLE] key to engage the Sample mode, and then the [F8] function key (“[REC]”) to
go to the SAMPLE REC display.
If you are sampling with an EX5 or EX5R, you will need to set the Rec Mode parameter for mono
or stereo sampling (this is not necessary with the EX7, since it has a MONO A/D INPUT):
Also be sure to set the Source parameter to “A/D” if you are sampling from an external source, and
the mic/line parameter to “mic” if you will be sampling from a microphone, or “line” if you will be
sampling from a CD player or other line source.
When sampling from a line source with the EX7, you may have to use a stereo-to-mono cable or a
“Y” cable to combine the left- and right-channel output signals from the source device for input to
the EX7’s mono A/D INPUT jack.
■ Setting Levels
Once your source is connected and the Rec Mode, Source, and mic/line parameters have been set as
required, you can use the A/D GAIN control in conjunction with the bar-graph level indicator(s)
to the right of the new sample name(s) to set the optimum input level.
Begin with the A/D GAIN control set all the way to the MIN position, and play your source at the
highest expected volume. Gradually rotate the A/D GAIN control clockwise until the bar graph
extends to around 80% or 90% of its maximum length. This should be approximately the optimum
level setting for your source.
If the bar graph extends all the way to the right regardless of the setting of the A/D GAIN control,
the output level of your source is probably too high. Compensate by reducing the output level of the
source device.
Mic/Line LevelInput Level
Trigger Level
Sample from the L A/D INPUT only
Sample from the R A/D INPUT only
Combine input from the L and R A/D INPUT jacks to a mono sample.
stereo Sample the L and R A/D INPUT signals to separate files.
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