■ CAT (Channel After Touch)
Adjusts the Channel After Touch value. After Touch
is applied to one channel (track).
❏ Settings:
1 Value: 0~127
■ PAT (Polyphonic After Touch)
Edits the Polyphonic After Touch data (note and its
value). After Touch is applied to each note
❏ Settings:
1 Note: C–2~G8
2 Value: 0~127
■ RPN (Registered Parameter Number)
Edits the Registered Parameter Number (RPN
MSB/LSB and Data entry MSB/LSB).
❏ Settings:
1 RPN MSB: 000~127
2 RPN LSB: 000~127
3 Data (Data entry MSB): *** (not assigned), 000~127
4 Data (Data entry LSB): *** (not assigned), 000~127
12 34
■ NRPN (Non Registered Parameter Number)
Edits the Non Registered Parameter Number (NRPN
MSB/LSB and Data entry MSB/LSB).
❏ Settings:
1 NRPN MSB: 000~127
2 NRPN LSB: 000~127
3 Data (Data entry MSB): *** (not assigned), 000~127
4 Data (Data entry LSB): *** (not assigned), 000~127
■ Excl (System Exclusive)
Edits the System Exclusive messages (bytes).
Although the F0 (Exclusive status), which indicates the
beginning of the system exclusive message, will
automatically be set and displayed at the beginning, you
are required to enter the F7 (End of exclusive)
manually at the end of the message.
For more information about system exclusive messages,
see the separate Data List book.
Hexadecimal: 00~7F, F7
Decimal: 0~127, 247
Byte (Hexadecimal): 00~7F, F7
12 34
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