[F8]: PRE (Preset)
Settings related to the preset values and MIDI matters
applied to the tone generator for each part.
■ Part
■ Bank (Voice Bank)
■ Number
These parameters are the same as those explained in
the MIX screen. See page 164.
Bank/PC:MD (Bank/Program Change: MIDI)
Sets the program change and bank select messages that
are sent to an external MIDI device when making
bank/program changes on the front panel of the
EX5/5R/7. A different value can be set for each part.
Sets whether or not the program change and bank
select messages are sent to an external MIDI device.
When set to “on” messages are sent, and when set to
“off” messages are not sent.
❏ Settings: off, on
■ MD BankMSB (MIDI Bank Select MSB)
Sets the bank select MSB messages that are sent to
an external MIDI device when making
bank/program changes.
❏ Settings: 000~127
■ MD BankLSB (MIDI Bank Select LSB)
Sets the bank select LSB messages that are sent to an
external MIDI device when making bank/program
❏ Settings: 000~127
Bank Select messages are MIDI messages used to
change a voice bank. With the combination of the two
Bank Select MSB and LSB control change messages, a
single voice bank can be specified. Available banks and
control change numbers will differ depending on the
tone generator that is used. For more information, refer
to the Owner’s Manual for each tone generator that is
in use.
■ MIDI PC (MIDI Program Change)
Sets the MIDI program numbers sent to an external
MIDI device when making bank/program changes.
❏ Settings: 001~128
Note that the program numbers are 001~128, but the
actual MIDI program change numbers range from
0~127. Therefore, keep in mind that the numbers are
shifted by one.
■ InitVal PB (Initial Value Pitch Bend)
Sets the preset value for the pitch bend for a part.
❏ Settings: 0~127
■ Ctrl To TG (Controller To Tone Generator)
When making bank/program changes, this sets
whether or not the preset values for the six
controllers below (AT, FC, BC, RC, MW1, MW2) are
sent to the internal tone generator. When set to “on”
they are sent, and when set to “off” they are not
❏ Settings: off, on
■ Ctrl To MIDI (Controller To MIDI)
When making bank/program changes, this sets
whether or not the preset values for the six
controllers below (AT, FC, BC, RC, MW1, MW2) are
sent to an external MIDI device. When set to “on”
they are sent, and when set to “off” they are not
❏ Settings: off, on
■ InitVal MW1/MW2/AT/FC/BC/RB (Initial
Sets the control change preset values that are sent by
each controller.
❏ Settings: Each of the following devices can be set from
0~127: AT (After Touch), FC (Foot Controller),
BC (Breath Controller), RB (Ribbon Controller),
MW1 (Modulation Wheel 1), MW2 (Modulation
Wheel 2)
Performance/E/qx 5/21/98 11:35 AM Page 170