■ Overdrive
Sets the amount of the over drive.
❏ Settings: 0~127
■ HPF (High Pass Filter)
Sets the cutoff frequency which cuts the lower range
of the output signals.
❏ Settings: 0~127
■ HPF K.Flw (High Pass Filter KeyFollow)
Sets the KeyFollow for the High Pass Filter cutoff
frequency. The High Pass Filter KeyFollow function
controls the change in the cutoff frequency in
accordance with the notes played on the keyboard.
When set to a positive value, the higher the note
played on the keyboard, the higher the cutoff
frequency becomes. When a negative value is set, the
lower the note played, the higher the cutoff
frequency becomes. When set to “+32,” the
KeyFollow functions at 100% and the cutoff
frequency changes in proportion to the pitch.
❏ Settings: –32~0~+64
■ Output (Output Level)
Sets the final output level.
❏ Settings: –60~0~+60
■ Pan
The same as the one in the EP Pickup. See page 126
for information.
[F7]: Ctrl (Controller)
[F8]: SET (Controller Set)
The effective “Destinations” for the FDSP voices are No.
36~ No. 44 controls. Refer to the Controller List in the
separate Data List.
Drum Voice
Drum Voice editing lets you create your own drum kit
by assigning AWM Elements to each note (pitch range
C-2~G8) and setting various parameters related to
volume, pitch, and timbre.
You can also use your own sampled data as an element.
For more information about drum voices, see page 39.
Since many of the parameters are the same as for
normal voices (AWM Element), only the parameters
that differ are explained.
------[F1:COMMON] ......................................................142
------[F6:Parameter] ..........................................142
------[F7:Arpeggio] ..................................................79
------[F8:Name] ........................................................79
------[F2:OSCILLATOR] ................................................142
------[F5:Tune] ....................................................143
------[F7:Mix] ......................................................145
------[F8:Zone] ....................................................146
------[F8:EG] ..............................................................84
------[F4:FILTER] ..................................................................86
------[F4:Static Control Filter]................................86
------[F5:Dinamic Control Filter] ..........................91
------[F8:EG] ..............................................................95
------[F8:EG] ..............................................................98
------[F6:LFO] ..............................................................147
------[F7:CONTROLLER] ..................................................103
------[F7:Pitch Control] ..........................................103
------[F8:Controller Set]..........................................104
------[F8:EFFECT] ..........................................................148
------[F4:Type] ....................................................148
------[F5:Insertion Effect 1] ..................................106
------[F6:Insertion Effect 2] ..................................106
------[F8:Chorus] ....................................................107
The parameters in the above grayed menus are the same as
those found in the AWM Elements.
Voice/E.qx 5/21/98 11:31 AM Page 141