■ Curve
Sets and changes the controller curve (displayed to
the right of the values).
❏ Settings: -6~0~+7
The Control Curve
Displayed to the far right of the screen is the current
control curve image for each device. You can refer to
this image when selecting the curve.
[F3]: SEQ (Sequencer Setup)
The Sequencer Setup allows you to make settings
related to the sequencer functions. When Sequencer
Setup is selected, [F6]: CLICK, [F7]: FILT (Filter), and
[F8]: SYNC sub-menus will be displayed.
[F6]: CLICK (MIDI Click)
Sets the click sound that is used during recording or
■ Channel
Sets the MIDI channel for the click sound data to be
sent to the internal tone generator.
❏ Settings: 1~16
■ Normal (Normal: Note name, Velocity)
Selects the note name (percussion) and the velocity
for the normal beats.
❏ Settings: Note Name = C-2~G8, Vel (Velocity) = 1~127
■ Accent (Accent: Note name, Velocity)
Selects the note name (percussion) and the velocity
for the accentuated first beat.
❏ Settings: Note Name = C-2~G8, Vel (Velocity) = 1~127
■ Arp Hold (Arpeggio Hold)
Sets the Arpeggiator Hold function to “on” or “off”
in the Voice mode. When the Arpeggiator Hold
function is set to “on,” once the keyboard (a note) is
played, even if you release your finger from the
keyboard, the Arpeggiator will automatically
continue to play until the next note is played.
❏ Settings: on, off
[F8]: CTRL (Controller)
Sets the parameters related to the controllers in the
Voice mode.
Each of the parameters below can be set for the 13
types of devices (controllers) above.
■ Assign
Sets a control function (MIDI control number) to
each controller.
❏ Settings: 000~095 (See the Control List in the separate
Data List book.)
Some of the controllers such as Pitch Bend Wheel are
fixed with a specific control function and therefore
cannot be changed to another.
■ Depth
Sets the control depth for the currently selected
control function.
❏ Settings: -8~0~+7
■ Ofst (Offset)
Finely adjusts the control depth that is set in Depth.
This value offsets, or increases or decreases the
Depth value.
❏ Settings: -64~0~+63
PB (Pitch Bend Wheel)
RC (Ribbon Controller)
MW1 (Modulation Wheel 1)
MW2 (Modulation Wheel 2)
KN1 (Knobs 1)
KN2 (Knobs 2)
KN3 (Knobs 3)
KN4 (Knobs 4)
KN5 (Knobs 5)
KN6 (Knobs 6)
AT (After Touch)
FC (Foot Controller)
BC (Breath Controller)
Utility/E/qx 5/21/98 11:54 AM Page 272