
An Overview of Voices/Waves
Each Voice consists of up of up to four Elements. Each Element itself uses a high-quality waveform.
Internally, there are two Voice Types: Normal Voices and Drum Voices. Normal Voices are mainly
musical instrument-type sounds that can be played over the range of the keyboard. Drum Voices are
mainly percussion/drum sounds that are assigned to individual notes on the keyboard. A collection of
Drum Voice assignments is known as a Drum Kit.
If you have installed an optional Plug-in Board, there will be more Voices for you to choose from.
These Voices are known as Plug-in Voices, and will vary depending on the Plug-in Board you have
installed (Page 32).
The Note Limit settings (Page 90) will also affect the allocation of sounds. But basically, Normal
Voices (of up to four Elements) are playable across the whole keyboard range whereas with Drum
Voices, any of 73 different Waves can be assigned to each Drum Key on the keyboard.
A total of eight Drum Voices (DR1 to DR8) are available as presets. You can also create your own Drum Voices
and save them to internal (User) memory or to external memory (Memory Card), just as with Normal Voices.
Normal Voice Drum Voice
Wave form