
Sound is very quiet.
Has the MIDI volume or MIDI expression been set too low?
Has the filter cutoff frequency been set too high/low? (Pages 40, 82, 106, 125, 130, 148, 152)
The pitch is wrong.
Have the NoteShift and Tune parameters in the MSTR TG screen of Utility Mode been set correctly? (Page 163)
Have the Oct and Trnspose parameters in the MSTR Kbd screen of Utility Mode been set appropriately? (Page 163)
Have the pitch related parameters in PITCH menu (Voice Edit) been set appropriately? (Page 90)
Has the Micro Tuning parameter in Voice Edit Mode been set to an unconventional scale? (Page 81)
Has the Pitch Modulation Depth in the LFO screen (Voice Edit Mode) been set too high? (Page 101)
For Performances, has the Note Shift parameter in the LYR (Layer) screen been set to a value other than 0? (Page 133)
For Performances, has the Detune parameter for each Part been set to a value other than 0? (Page 133)
Sound is choppy and intermittent.
Has the maximum polyphony been exceeded? (Page 33)
Only one note sounds at a time.
Has the Mode parameter in the GEN Other screen of Voice Edit Common been set to “mono”? (Page 81)
In Performance Mode, has the Mode parameter in the LYR Mode screen been set to “mono” for each Part? (Page 132)
No effects are applied.
Has the [EF BYPASS] key been set to OFF? (Page 66)
Has the Insertion Effect Element Switch parameter in the EFF screen of Voice Edit been set to ON? Also in this Mode, has
the effect type been set to something other than “thru” or “off”? (Page 88)
For Performances, have the Insertion Effect Parts been specified? (Page 127)
For Reverb and Chorus, have the effect types in the Common Edit screens been set to ON? (Pages 89, 128)
If an Effect Plug-in Board has been installed, has the PLG-EF parameter in the EFF Part screen of the Performance been set
to something other than OFF? (Page 127)
If an Effect Plug-in Board has been installed, has the setting in the EFF Plg screen of the Performance been set to something
other than “THRU”?
Have the [REVERB] and [CHORUS] been turned fully anti-clockwise? (Page 128)
The Element switches do not work for the Control Set
Have Element-specific parameters been selected as Dest (Destination)? (Page 85)
The Plug-in Board does not work.
Has the Effect Plug-in Board been installed in PLG2? (Page 177)
Has the Multi-Part-type Plug-in Board been installed in PLG1? (Page 177)
If an Effect Plug-in Board has been installed, has the PLG-EF parameter in the EFF Part screen of the Performance’s
Common Effect been set to something other than “off”? (Page 128)
If an Effect Plug-in Board has been installed, has the setting in the EFF Plg screen of the Performance’s Common Effect been
set to something other than “THRU”? (Page 128)