
Voice Mode
Editing Plug-in Board Voices
Plug-in Voices are based on Board Voices. However, the
Board Voices themselves can be edited via computer,
using the included editor software. Different editors
are available for different Plug-in Boards.
When using the editor while the synthesizer is in
Voice Mode, set the “Part No.” in the editor to “1.”
Also, make sure the synthesizer’s Basic Receive
channel is the same as that set in the editor’s MIDI
Your edits made to a Board Voice will be retained in
the Custom Bank until you turn off the instrument.
Note that the Custom Bank is a temporary memory so
that edits in the Bank will be erased when you turn off
the instrument. Therefore, it may be necessary to save
Board Voice data using a computer.
Details about how to use the editor are given in the
on-line help.
When bulk-dumping Board Voice data, the edited
Board Voices is received in the Custom Bank
according to the Bank Select Message (MSB/LSB)
unique to each Plug-in Board. Therefore, to play
back these Board Voices, you need to select the
appropriate Banks in the synthesizer.
1In Voice Play Mode, select any Voice in a Plug-in
Memory (PLG1 or PLG2).
2The Board Voice you have edited can now be
played back if a Custom Bank has been selected at
this screen.
For details about Custom Banks, Bank Select
Numbers (MSB/LSB) and Board Voices, refer to the
Owner’s Manual or the on-line help that came with
your Plug-in Board.
Once you have transmitted the edited Board Voice
data to the synthesizer and saved it to Memory Card
as a “plugin” file type, you can load the file without
having to connect the computer.
If a Board Voice in the Custom Bank has been edited
in Voice Edit Mode, you can store it as a Plug-in
Voice in Memory Bank A to D of PLG1 or PLG2.
Up to 64 can be stored in each Bank.
However, only the Voice Edit parameters can be
stored. The edited Board Voice parameters cannot
be stored. Therefore, you will lose all Board Voice
edits when you switch your synthesizer off.
To avoid this situation, you should save your Board
Voice edits to Memory Card and then load the data
as a Plug-in Voice.
After loading Board Voice data, if you select Plug-in
Voice Memories (PLG1/PLG2) A to D, the stored
sound (the edited Plug-in Voice based on the Board
Voice) is loaded.
The “all” setting is not available when saving Board
Voice data; it is saved as a “plugin” file type. If the
file name is set such that the file loads automatically
(Page 172), the Board Voice data can also be loaded
up when the synthesizer is switched on.
It may take a while to save or load the Board Voice
data using Memory Card.
Details about saving/loading data to/from Memory
Card are given on Page 173.
The editor for the PLG150-AN/PF Plug-in Board is
a plug-in program for XGworks(lite). You will need
to be running Windows and XGworks(lite) in order
to use it. XGworks lite is included on the CD-ROM
included with this synthesizer.