Phrase Clip Edit Mode (Page
Press the [EDIT] key while in
Phrase Clip Play Mode. To exit
to another Mode, simply press
the respective key for that Mode
or press the [EXIT] key to
return to Phrase Clip Play Mode.
Job Modes
When in each Play Mode, you
can swiftly switch to each
respective Job Mode by simply
pressing the [JOB] key (its LED
will light).
5 Voice Job Mode (Page 115)
Press the [JOB] key in Voice Play
Mode. To exit to another Mode,
simply press the respective key
for that Mode or press the
[EXIT] key to return to Voice
Play Mode.
5 Performance Job Mode
(Page 140)
Press the [JOB] key while in
Performance Play Mode. To exit
to another Mode, simply press
the respective for that Mode or
press the [EXIT] key to return to
Performance Play Mode.
PFM Initialize)
Job Current Perform
VCE Initialize)
Job Current Voice
GEN Name) Ctgry a-Z 0-? Cursor
Common [--:Init Perf ]
5 Phrase Clip Job Mode
(Page 154)
Press the [JOB] key while in
Phrase Clip Play Mode. To exit
to another Mode, simply press
the respective key for that Mode
or press the [EXIT] key to
return to Phrase Clip Play
5 Utility Job Mode (Page 170)
Press the [JOB] key in Utility
Mode. To exit to another Mode,
press the respective key for that
Mode or press the [EXIT] key to
return to Utility Mode.
Other Modes
6 Utility Mode (Page 163)
Press the [UTILITY] key (its
LED will light) to enter Utility
Mode. To exit to another Mode,
simply press the respective key
for that Mode.
7 Card Mode (Page 171)
Press the [CARD] key (its LED
will light) to enter Card Mode.
To exit to another Mode, simply
press the respective key for that
Save) Type File A-? Cursor
Card all ***[NEWFILE .S2A]
MSTR TG) Vol NoteShift Tune
Sys 127 +63 +102.3c
PCLP Status)Free Used CardFree
4.0MB 0KB( 0%)-X›---.-MB
8 Sequence Play Mode
(Page 161)
Press the SEQ key (its LED will
light) to enter Sequence Play
Mode. To exit to another Mode,
simply press the respective key
for that Mode.
When MIDI system exclusive
messages are received from an
external MIDI device, the LED
for the currently selected Play
PHRASE CLIP) will blink.
9 Store Modes
(Pages 116, 141, 160)
When in each Play or Edit Mode,
you can swiftly switch to each
respective Store Mode by simply
pressing the [STORE] key. To
exit to another Mode, simply
press the respective key for that
Mode or press the [EXIT] key to
return to Play Mode.
Another storage way of Voice,
Performance and Phrase Clip is
to memorize these settings as
Scene 1 and 2. See Page 45 for
more information (CS6x only).
VCE [Sq:Generation] >[Pf:Slamming ]
Store INT:001(A01)
SEQ) File:[ ] Perf
Chain00 001 ⁄= 120 Meas=001 INT:128