Utility Mode
MSTR (System Master)
You can set the overall parameters, including volume and
pitch, which mainly relate to the synthesizer’s tone
generator section. The following four screens are available.
MSTR TG (Master Tone Generator)
MSTR Kbd (Master Keyboard)
MSTR EF Bypass (Master Effect By-pass)
MSTR Other (Master Other)
MSTR TG (Master Tone Generator)
Set the parameters which control the synthesizer’s tone
generator section.
■ Vol (Master Volume)
Set the synthesizer’s overall volume.
❏ Settings: 0 ~ 127
■ NoteShift (Master Note Shift)
Set the amount (in semitones) by which the note
pitch is shifted. This parameter only affects the
synthesizer’s internal tone generator. It does not
affect information transmitted via MIDI.
❏ Settings: -24 ~ 0 ~ +24
■ Tune (Master Tune)
Adjust the keyboard tuning (in 0.1 cent steps).
❏ Settings: -102.4 ~ +102.3
MSTR Kbd (Master Keyboard)
Set the parameters related to the keyboard.
■ Oct (Master Octave Shift)
Shift the octave range of the keyboard up or down.
❏ Settings: -3 ~ 0 ~ +3
■ Trnspose (Master Transpose)
Transpose the pitch of the keyboard up or down (in
semitones). This affects information transmitted via
❏ Settings: -11 ~ +11
If you transpose beyond the note range limits (C-2 and G8), the
notes will be wrapped over.
This parameter is not available in the CS6R.
MSTR Kbd) Oct Trnspose Vel
Sys +3 +11 fixed = 127
MSTR TG) Vol NoteShift Tune
Sys 127 +24 +102.3c
The parameters in Utility Mode are explained here.
Utility Mode can roughly be divided into a screen for
settings common to the entire system, a screen for Voice
Mode settings and a screen for Plug-in Board settings.
You will first see the following screen when you enter
Utility Mode. Each of the three Utility Mode screens
contain further sub-screens. Basically the [PAGE] knob
is used to switch between parameter screens and Knobs
[B], [C] and [1]/[2] are used to set the values for each
parameter. You can also use the [DATA] knob or the
[DEC/NO] and [INC/YES] keys to enter values.
Sys (System): System settings
• Master
• Control
Vce (Voice): Voice Mode settings
• Master Equalizer
• Control
Plg (Plug-in): Plug-in Settings
• Plug-in Board Status
• Plug-in Board 1 System
• Plug-in Board 2 System
Details about how to enter Utility Mode are given on Page 22.
Menu Display
When you use the [PAGE] knob while holding down
the [SHIFT] key, the following menu will be
displayed. Use the [PAGE] knob to move the cursor
(≥) between items, then release the [SHIFT] key to
jump to the selected item.
Sys Vce:>M.EQ>CTRL Plg:>PLG>1>2
PLG Status) PLG1:PLG100-VH Expand
Plugin PLG2:PLG150-AN part
M.EQ Low) Shape Gain Freq Q
Vce peak +12dB 50Hz 12.0
MSTR TG) Vol NoteShift Tune
Sys 127 +63 +102.3c